With Kisses from the Moon
Wife & Partner, Mother, Grandmother
and friend
Thanks to all for your kind words, donations, flowers and support

About Nana
Nana was born in Chicago Illinois in 1931, met Papa in 1948, and married on Christmas day in 1950.
Debbie, their youngest daughter, was born on Papa’s birthday and David, their oldest son, was almost born on Papa’s birthday (always a bit off).
The family lived in Chicago, Detroit and Kansas City for a short time and settled in Milwaukee in 1954. In 1976, Nana & Papa moved to Los Angeles to start SelecTV (over-the-air Pay TV).
Three of her 6 grandchildren, Aaron, Jordan and Sean, were born in the 1980’s and three more, Jeremy, Aubrey and Emily were born in the 1990’s.
In 2004 Nana and Papa moved to Reno, NV where Nana is laid to rest.
Nana… Dedicated to family
Dedicated to her children and grandchild, Nana was there for all

Always smiling
Always smiling

Always dancing
Always dancing

Always a sport
Always a sport
What Family & Friends Say
“So devoted, so fiercely loyal”
“I will remember Carol for her motherly caring nature.”
“I will always remember her warmth and sincerely.”

“Thank you God for sharing Carol with us.”

John Collins
Loved Color

Loved Color
Loved Animals

Loved to Dance

Loved to Travel

Stories. May the memories live on.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories.
We have much to be thankful for.
We deeply share Bob’s loss of Carol. Words can never fully express how we feel. Carol was one of those rare people I can say it was an honor to have known. She exuded a hamisha warmth and welcoming smile to all who crossed her path from every race, nationality, color, and creed. In her amazing life journey of international travel with her beloved Bob, she truly encountered people from every continent. She always went out of her way to make people feel at ease and comfortable. Carol was honest and direct despite her knowledge of knowing when to be diplomatic. If asked, she would tell you without reservation how she felt about a given situation. In this respect she was an amazing and invaluable confidant and advisor to Bob. She could tell a disingenuous or phony person a mile away with nearly sixty years of married life together, it is almost impossible to think of Carol without Bob, they were such an inseparable team. At Bob’s surprise seventy-fifth birthday party, Carol was the behind the scenes master organizer and thrilled at the accolades and outpouring of respect for her husband. At Adrienne’s Fourth of July party in Tahoe, Carol was full of compliments and appreciation. You always knew with Carol that if she said it, she meant it, and that it came right from her heart. As Rabbi, I was honored to receive her compliments on the High Holy Day services and sermons, as well as the occasional criticism ,”Rabbi, lower the air conditioning, it is freezing me to death. Carol was always at Bob’s side. So devoted, so fiercely loyal. Theirs’s was a remarkable love affair, friendship and soul bonding. From this union came two wonderfully devoted children and for Carol and Bob, the greatest dividends, their fantastic grandchildren. Carol beamed with true nachas when asked about her grandchildren. They were a source of boundless pride and love. Bob, my heart goes out to you and the family with your great loss of Carol. Please know that for the many Los Angeles friends, myself and Adrienne included, who could not be at your side at this time, that our hearts are with you. We will gather for a very special remembrance when you can be with us so that we may give you and the family an embrace of love and comfort. The lights of this joyous festival of Chanukah are dimmed with Carol’s loss. However, her spirit of loyalty and devotion remains forever burning brightly…. Rabbi Baron
Almost everyone will say the same thing…how loving, generous, kind and compassionate Carol was. She was more that. Her Heart which unfortunately failed her, as bigger than her body. She cared for every one she met and everyone she met, loved her. In my lifetime, I have never had a truer friend than Robert Block who is my mentor and it was great things he did. She taught us all a lesson. You can be humble and yet firm… You can be both soft and strong at the same time. I know that wherever she is upstairs, she will still be looking over Bob’s shoulder and urging him to keep going and continue to make this world a better place for all of us. Carol, over the years whenever my dearest Mollie would complain about me because I was taking on too many tasks, it was you who pointed out that just as you gave Bob support and a little nudge in the right direction, that’s how she had to treat me. She listened and did. Keep nudging him, because he like me, he needs it…and like myself who talks to Mollie daily, I know you’ll be hearing from Bob the same way…maybe more than once each day. Carol I’ll miss you, but I’ll never forget you…. Shelly Saltman
I remember so well meeting Carol for the very first time in Vesuvio Restaurant, Cannes, back in 1982. My husband to be (Hal E. Chester) and I had just arrived from Italy and were catching a late bite to eat in this fashionable French eaterie on the Cote D’Azur. Carol and Bob entered, unaware that we were also there, and I distinctly recall her face immediately light up as she caught sight of Hal, quickly made her way over to our table, and threw her arms around him with gusto. She then introduced herself to me, making me feel equally welcome as she heartily embraced at the same time. This was a woman in her element, bringing joy, warmth and happiness to everyone she met! Whenever I think of genuinely, happily-married, contented, communicative, couples, I think of Carol and Bob. Theirs has been a unique, loving, interdependent, enduring relationship that has spanned many decades. I have not come across another couple whose ability to communicate with one another at such a deep, consistent level eclipsed this one. It has been phenomenal – and a joy to witness. A lesson surely for all of us to take on board, and glean something from?
These two were surely very lucky to have found one another, with all the wonderful experiences, trials and tribulations they shared along the way. When I think of Carol, I immediately remember her perfectly-manicured, tiny hands. Her immaculate hair and make-up. Her impeccable sense of dress, her finely-tuned sense of humor and her razor-sharp mind – that let nothing go unnoticed! Her slant on life was both refreshing and unique, and I am sure one of the reasons that Bob has loved her so very much all this time. We will certainly miss her. With love, Debbie and Hal Chester London
Dear Bob, I had just heard that we have lost Carol and very sad about hearing such a news. Please accept my condolences. You know that I had just meet Carol for a week in Turkey during the Kardemir 3DBT Project in 2005 summer. In such a short week, I met a woman who is lovely as a mother, kind as a friend and funny as a little girl. I met a brave woman also who can let a fresh car driver(me in 2005) to take her from Karabuk to Ankara/Turkey for 2,5 hours which is 220 kms in the late midnight. How can i forget that woman, i really don’t know. My prayers are all for you Carol Block, we miss but never forget you. I beleive you will meet us in the heaven… Gokhan CAKIR / Ankara – TURKEY
Dear Bob, Debbie, David and family
When you called to tell me of Carol’s passing, I cried with you. I just could not believe that she passed away. She was more than a good friend. She was like family as are you. So many years ago, when Sid introduced us, we became instant friends. We shared good times and bad. We grew close and spent the holidays together for all these years. Carol was a dear loving friend with a generous and warm heart. She was a special friend and enjoyed everything and everyone. I will miss our calls and shared experiences. Bob, she loved you so much. You were always like newlyweds holding hands and caring about each other. The love you shared was so special. Carol truly loved her children and received such nachas from her grandchildren. You had so many wonderful years and that is what you should keep close to your heart. I know that she is always going to be watching over all of her loved ones. My thoughts and prayers go out to you all. I will miss my dear friend Carol.
Warm thoughts to you all … Fran Pierce Jackson
Dear Block Family:
I’ve been struggling with what to write to you because I’m having a problem believing that Carol was taken from all of us so suddenly and prematurely. Nevertheless, I will do my best. Carol was the best sister-in-law anyone could hope for. She was supportive, loving, fun, funny, sweet, kind, unique, one in a million. Although we didn’t see each other nearly often enough, I always felt close to her. She kept in touch and was a wonderful aunt to Julie and Dana. I can say from experience that time will help you to heal and move forward. May you be blessed with beautiful memories and the peace of knowing that Carol loved all of us unconditionally and we loved her as well. With love, Margie
Of the many times I spent with Bob and Carol, I will always remember her warmth and sincerely. Bob was usually on the phone and while I waited to talk to him, she would bring me up to date on what is going on. I knew she enjoyed talking with me and she must have felt my admiration for her. I will never forget this sweet, loyal, loving wife of my friend, Bob. All who knew her will miss this wonderful lady. Max M. Feibelman
I will remember Carol for her motherly caring nature. She explained her admiration and love of her husband and children during good as well as tough times. She had great stories to tell of her children and husband. I will remember and remain thankful to her for patient explanations to me of Jewish holidays and traditions, helping my education of my religion. Fondly remembering…. Steve Oaks
Mr. and Mrs. Block came to our school, the Instilling Goodness Developing Virtue Schools, to help us celebrate our 30th anniversary. A couple of my friends and I were able to meet the Blocks in an intimate gathering at Dr. Raymond Yeh’s house, and it was there that we began our acquaintance with them. Mrs. Block was such a caring woman, spirited and animated in her demeanor, not to mention so loving and motherly. By watching the way that Mr. and Mrs. Block communicated with one another one could tell that they had a very strong relationship. Mrs. Block cared for my friends and I as if she had known us for years, and even though we had only met them for a day or two, they even flew all the way to Ukiah for the graduation ceremonies later that year. To Mr. Block and his family, we give our deepest sympathies, but know that her loving spirit will always live on. Julia Ha, Aryatara Kandahsari, Nancy Chu, Claire Chin, and Yvonne Chen, Developing Virtue Girls School, Class of 2006
I remember her little speech at Bob’s birthday at Universal. I can only suspect that it was difficult for Bob to travel off to his various projects except that the upside was she was so much fun to come home to. She called Bob just “Block” as in “Block does this and Block does that.” I really don’t know what “Block does.” I remember when she made sure nobody smoked around her and definitely not in her house. She had two monster dogs to assure that. Carol you are one of the most fun people I have ever met. I can’t believe you are gone for now….. Bob Johnston
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and your family at this time of your great loss. Words cannot heal the pain of losing someone so dear! May god give you the strength to overcome the pain. I have enjoyed her kindness and hospitality in your homes in Los Angeles and Reno and can’t forget the time that we have spent during your visits to Turkey. Carol has been very generous and kind person. Thank you, God, for sharing Carol with us, even though it was such a short time. She touched many lives with a gentle and kind touch. I hope you share a belief that Carol’s spirit has survived to a better existence – free of pain and separation – that you’ll share and reunite in some day. We will always remember her with great smile, kindness and positive attitude towards the different ideas and traditions. God Bless…. Ibrahim Cakir
Dear Bob, Debbie,
David and family, I can’t tell you how sorry I am to hear of Carol’s passing. I was left flat by the news and can only imagine how hard the days since her passing have been. Carol was a bubbly combination of warmth and authenticity. She pulled no punches and yet there was always room at her table and in her heart for anyone in need of some nurturing. I will never forget her sensitivity and kindness during our shared 9/11 ordeal. If you recall, we were all in Wuxi the day of the attacks. I was planning on leaving the morning of 9/11 as I had just received news that my wife, Alex had miscarried our baby the day before the towers fell. The news of the attacks coupled with the loss of our baby and the added stress of traveling that week all conspired to reduce me to tears at the mere mention of what was going on. Carol reached out to me like a mother. She sat with me in the lobby of our hotel stroking my head as I cried over the loss of my baby, the injuries my brother had suffered in the towers and the state of our nation after the worst attack in American history. She soothed and nurtured me without reservation. She tended to needs during those horrible few days. I have carried Carol in my heart ever since. She was one of a kind. I will miss her unapologetic laugh, her midwestern warmth and candor and her strong sense of family. She was an example to us all- a woman of strength and humility. I will honor her memory by recalling her generosity and kindness to me and will pay it forward to others. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers…. Love, Steve Gormley & Family
I first met Carol Block some years ago when I was visiting Bob in Los Angeles on a business trip. Bob and Carol picked me up at my hotel and when I entered the car Bob introduced her to me. I said nice to meet you Carol and she says, “Have you been smoking “? (I must admit it is one of my bad habits.) Carol then proceeds to lecture me on the evils of smoking and she explains to me how Bob used to smoke and quit. It is hard to describe the manner in which she did this. It was serious yet humorous and almost affectionate all at the same time.
A few minutes later we arrived at a restaurant where we were going to have our evening meal. I stepped out of the car and opened the door for Carol. Carol looks at me and says here let me fix this and she begins to straighten my tie and my shirt collar. She says there you go kiddo that’s much better! (I am no spring chicken but in carol’s eyes I was just another of her children.) Kiddo was a term she used nearly every time I talked to her. Before the evening was over, we had developed the kind of bond that makes you feel as though you have known someone all your life. Carol had that unique ability to make a person feel welcomed and cared for even if she had just met them.
When I would call to speak to Bob sometimes Carol would answer the phone. She would always greet me saying “Hey kiddo how are you doing? How’s your wife and kids? ‘She was always upbeat and cheery and always interested in my well being, and the well being of my family.
On another occasion Bob and I were in Washington D.C. on business and of course Carol was right there with us. I remember us dining one evening, at a rather upscale Washington restaurant and I was seated next to Carol. I had almost finished my meal when Carol takes her knife and cuts off a portion of her meal and places it on my plate. “Here kiddo you have to try this it is delicious.” She then took some vegetables from her plate and placed them on my plate: “you need to eat these too because they are good for you”. I immediately had flashbacks of my childhood and my mother doing the same thing. This was Carol. She knew no strangers. She was very outspoken and would always speak her mind whether it was something good or not so good. But she had this manner of taking even something that she was serious about and saying it in an affectionate and humorous way that was never offensive but made you think.
Bob and I had business in Yerevan, Armenia that required me to travel to Yerevan. I was a little apprehensive about this as I had never been outside of the United States before and I wasn’t really sure where Yerevan was or what to expect there. Bob and Carol decided to accompany me and we met in Istanbul Turkey. While we were there, Bob arranged for a guided tour of the city. On part of the tour we went to visit the leather shops where one can purchase very fine hand-crafted leather goods. Carol picked out a coat for Bob and other items. From there we went to a place where they sell those hand-woven Turkish rugs. (One can by a small house for what these rugs cost.) We are sitting in the shop viewing what I would describe as a rug fashion show. Carol says oh Bob that would look so nice in the hall and Oh Bob don’t you think that would look nice in the bedroom. Bob dutifully responds with yes dear. (I am still wondering how all of that stuff got back to Reno since we were leaving Istanbul for Yerevan.) There were many memorable sites in Turkey but one of the things that made an indelible impression on me was the Bazaar. The Bazaar is a shoppers “Mecca”. The Bazaar is the shopping mall to end all shopping malls. It is a maze of tunnels and shops that boggles the mind. Bob and Carol and I spent an entire day visiting many of the hundreds of shops and Carol was purchasing items. “Bob don’t you think Debbie will love this?” “Bob this would look good on David and we should get one of these for the grand kids.” Bob dutifully responds to every inquiry with “Yes dear.”
After leaving one of the shops Bob says to me “Look at your watch and write down the time.” It was 2:30pm. I asked Bob why this was important. He says, “You have just witnessed a miracle.” A miracle? I asked. “Yes” he said. “Do you realize we have just left a shop and Carol didn’t buy anything?” Carol says, “Did you want me to go back in?” ………… “No dear”
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them…. Rene Stiegler
Dear Bob
It is really sad and like bombing in my head after I saw this e-mail. During last 6 weeks, I was so busy for the projects, worked days and nights as well as traveled a lot. Until this morning (24 Dec.), I told myself that I have to stop to send my best regards and wish to my good friends before Christmas Day. The first 2 people I want to talk are Bob and Carol, my American parent, best friend/partner. When I opened my e-mail, I could not believe this news is real. I hate myself why I did not talk you and Carol several days early and say “Merry Christmas!”.
Carol is one of few best wife, mother, grandmother and friends/partners I ever met in my life. She was so nice to people, always tried to take care of people and help people. I can still hear her sweet voice and smile face now. I could not forget, many times when we had meetings, we often forgot to have lunch, but as long as Carol was there, she always stopped our meetings to ask us having meal. Frankly, many times, I was very hungry. It was her always “saved” me. She is our excellent mother and always concern us. She will ever live in our heart though she passed. Let me still say “Merry Christmas” to her. Pray God take care her, my great American mother. Wish her still Happy, Healthy and Wealthy in Heaven… I also hope you can take care yourself and do not too sad, Bob. It is because I believe Carol is now on the way to the heaven and watching you, she wants you to be happy and healthy, all your family and your friends need you and want you to be happy and healthy… LET US PRAY FOR CAROL! Best Wish, Jerry
Dear Bob
It is second times I could not stop my tear after I read your e-mail (first time is when I received your last e-mail). Carol’s smile face seems on the front of my eyes. How I hope to say something to her now, even if only 3 words “I love you, Carol”. I have told this sad news to Yun, my wife, she cried too. She told me she still keeps the nice purse Carol gave her on the Chinese New Year Holiday about 7 years ago. Yun was in Church with Bishop on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (25 Dec.). She told me she prayed for Carol and wish her have a wonderful life in Heaven…. She also ask me to send her the best wish to you and wish you happy and healthy. We all love you too, Bob.
Please put my stories in the website, tell people who she was so kindly taking care her a Chinese son and partner. Love you! Jerry
Love you, Miss youWith loving kisses from the moon